St Dominic's is a welcoming community of devoted Catholic Christians looking towards evangelization and justice.

Weddings at St Dominic's Camberwell
St Dominic’s Parish shares your joy on your engagement! Our Parish Church is a truly beautiful place to celebrate a wedding. Situated in Camberwell East, in Melbourne’s leafy eastern suburbs, the Parish was entrusted to Dominicans from the beginning in 1924, with the impressive bluestone church blessed and opened in 1937. The Dominican Order still serves the Parish to this day, with the Priory situated next to the Church.
St Dominic's welcomes couples from both within and outside the parish boundaries, where at least one of the intended spouses is Catholic. Marriages in the Catholic Church are between a man and a woman who have decided to make a life together and take on the commitment to love each other for the rest of their lives. The sharing of life and openness to children are the special hallmarks of Catholic marriage.
Serious preparation before entering into this state of loving sacrifice sets up the couple to play their part in restoring all things in Christ, drawing upon abundant grace.
With this in mind, couples marrying at St Dominic's Church attend a course of preparation for the covenant of Matrimony, including a session with an instructor in Natural Family Planning. The course of preparation is an oasis in the middle of all the preparations for the wedding day, where you can take time to reflect on your love for each other in the light of Catholic teaching on marriage, and be encouraged by the divine assistance that will carry you as you go through your life together as one. Serious preparation for marriage provides an opportunity to grow in faith and rediscover the teachings of the Church.
When planning your wedding at St Dominic’s, please contact the Parish Secretary as early as possible to set aside a date for the ceremony, and to arrange a meeting with the Parish Priest and Pastoral Associate. A period of at least six months’ notice is ideal, leaving time for all necessary paperwork and preparation.
The Parish Secretary will ensure that you are sent the wedding agreement and booking forms, and will guide you through the timeline for payment. The Parish office can also assist with deciding on elements such as decorations and music. Live music adds to the sense of occasion and conviviality of a wedding. Couples are able to book the Parish organist and a soloist to provide music, or may invite musicians of their own acquaintance to perform.
From the Parish Priest
It’s such good news that you’re engaged and that you’re considering St Dominic’s for your wedding! St Dominic’s has long history of providing a Christian welcome to everyone. Countless couples have come through our doors to give their lives to each other: they’re a great sign of God’s love for us and of his work in our lives. We hope you will join them and make St Dominic’s your spiritual home.
We are pleased to assist you in every possible way. Our friendly and professional staff are ready to accommodate any reasonable request for the day. Our musicians are well trained and happy to help with the ceremony. We have a team of dedicated parishioners who give their time to making sure your wedding runs smoothly here at St Dominic’s. We hope you experience our Parish as a place of loving welcome.
I am praying for you both in this crucial stage of preparation for marriage, and really look forward to meeting with you to discuss your future life as a married couple.
Congratulations and welcome!
Father Paul

From the Pastoral Associate
There’s a special kind of joy that engaged couples bring to a place like St Dominic’s. Sure, there’s the excitement of planning a wedding with all the moving parts to bring into place. But we often see a great hope behind your eyes: thankfulness at having found your life’s partner and hope at starting out in earnest. Our Parish shares your joy and hope in every way.
Our marriage preparation course really focuses on the needs of the couple. We explore your personal story in the light of Christ’s Gospel and highlight ways in which his love and peace can be yours as you journey through life. We hope it’s as rewarding an experience for you as it always is for us.
Our Parish Priest and staff are ready with information, advice, and support you may need to move forward. Together we can make your journey to the altar a hope-filled and joyous one.
God bless you!
Pastoral Associate
Planning your Wedding
6 Months + Ahead
Contact the Parish office to set a date and to confirm the availability of the celebrant. At least one of the couple must be Catholic to marry at St Dominic's.
Weddings can be booked for Saturdays at 11am, 1pm or 3pm, Sundays at 3pm, or Fridays at 1.30pm or 3.30pm, subject to availability.
You will need to supply a fresh copy of an extract of the Baptismal register from your parish of baptism, and other documents, which the Secretary will advise you of. A meeting will be arranged with our Parish Priest and Pastoral Associate. At this stage, you will need to gather documents and may need to obtain permission to marry outside your local Parish. Payment is required to confirm your booking.
Attend a Course of Preparation
Marriages founded upon faith and prayer and supported by God’s grace create happy families, who help to continue a flourishing Parish. A course of preparation for this Sacrament has been designed for couples marrying at St Dominic's Church.
Choose Music & Opt for Decorations
Upon making a firm booking, decide on details such as bows and silk flowers that can be provided to adorn the church, and the ringing of our distinctive bell. Now is also the time to book musicians and choose music.
Arrange a Rehearsal
The Parish office will arrange a rehearsal in the week or two leading up to your wedding day. This is a chance for the couple, the celebrant, the wedding party and musicians to become familiar with the ceremony and the space. Afterwards, there is always the option of having a rehearsal dinner in one of Camberwell's nearby restaurants.
Wedding Contact Form