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Sunday Homily, 23 March 2025 - Fr Paul Rowse, OP


This homily was preached as part of the parish’s Offertory Campaign, the first in our parish since 2018.  Please pray for the continuing renewal of our parish also through our offertory.

The first year after Jesus’ crucifixion was a big one to say the least, the biggest on record for us.  After the untold wonders of the Resurrection and Ascension, there was the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and the preaching of the Gospel to every nation beginning from Jerusalem.  Thousands of people became Christian in single ceremonies: if that could be described as a harvest, then it was a bumper crop.

The seeding for that harvest was much slower process, done over three years and mainly in Galilee.  There, the Lord spun homely parables and dropped wise sayings for life, all so that when he went up to Jerusalem all-Israel would welcome God as king.  But the Lord sowed himself deep inside the earth on Good Friday for a harvest he didn’t see during his public ministry.  Nonetheless, three years and then a harvest – that is the pattern of the Lord’s public ministry.

According to the parable, the people who heard him preach is the fig tree.  Some just from hearing him were already producing good fruit: they turned their lives around, turned towards him.  But others were holding back: the parable is for them.  And so, the Son obtains from his Father the grace of another year.  Three years of public ministry and then, after the digging and fertilising, a harvest of good fruit.

That is where we are placed, in the harvest.  The Father who made us wants good fruit from everyone, and dare I say only-good fruit.  Think of what one rotten apple does to the others in the fruit bowl.  We need to become all-good, only-good.  And the way to do that is twofold: first, repentance to make an end of sin, and holiness to make a new beginning of goodness. The Lord has secured another chance for us; we get to have another go at being all-good, only-good.

Our offertory campaign is in full-swing and getting a good response.  Thanks to all of you who have already returned your pledge cards; please return your completed pledge card if you haven’t yet.  Why you might pledge for us is to assist the parish with planning.  There are staff needs and major works which overlay ordinary running costs.  Your pledges help us to know what we’ll be working with as we plan these out.

I’m grateful to you for your generosity: many are the times I’ve been in our finance committee meetings and thought how good our people are.  Your offertory is a sign of good fruit for the Lord: such contributions don’t make us good; that’s not how it works.  But your offertory is a sign that you highly value your faith. The work you put into your faith turns your mind also to the needs of your parish: thank God for all of you.

Fr Paul Rowse, OP

Parish Priest

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816 Riversdale Road

Camberwell, Vic 3124

Phone: 0468 584 309

Site design and photography by School Presence

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