On Wednesday 15 May, the Centenary Address was delivered by the Most Reverend Anthony Fisher, OP, the ninth Archbishop of Sydney. The Archbishop spoke lovingly of his time at St Dominic's as a student and young priest: "St Dominic’s holds a very special place in my religious life and ministry. I count it a great privilege to have lived in this priory community and this parish on-and-off for almost two decades. During my formation as a religious, my studies for the priesthood, my years as Student Master and my work as a university lecturer, the priory was my home, this church my sanctuary, and this parish my support."
The diverse audience of parishioners and well wishers were treated with an exploration of the question, "What is the mission of a Dominican parish?", using the stained glass windows in the apse. The Archbishop noted, "The three theologically rich and gloriously decorated windows in the apse of our church, commissioned by Fr Bertrand Curran, OP, crafted in the Harry Clarke studio in Ireland, and blessed by Archbishop Mannix in 1940, offer a way to plumb the question of the Dominican difference more deeply."
We are very grateful to the Archbishop for giving us some of his precious time to celebrate during our centenary year. Over the next few weeks, the text of the Centenary Address will be presented in excerpts on the front page of The Dominican. Please follow along to discover the riches in our windows and the mission of our wonderful parish.