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Centenary 2024


Almighty God,
with gratitude and praise to you,
we celebrate the centenary of St Dominic’s Parish
and ask your blessing.
May the power and mercy of your Son renew us in holiness
to grow together towards you.
Inspire us with holy worship,
strengthen us in our fellowship,
and renew us in loving service of you

and our neighbour,
so that in us and through us,
all may know and glorify you.
Through Christ our Lord.



Photos and documents from the past 100 years


Written memories

St Dominic's Tower_edited.jpg

Centenary events 

Blessing of bell tower 1956.jpg


03 DEC
Opening of the Centenary Year
9:30am Mass (First Sunday of Advent) and Morning Tea
11am Mass, Eucharistic Procession, and Shared Lunch
17 MAR
Commemoration of the First Public Mass in the Parish 1924
6pm Mass and Twilight Supper
31 MAR
Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church 1960
11am Orchestral Mass (Easter Sunday)
15 MAY
Centenary Address by Archbishop Anthony Fisher, OP
7pm Address and Shared Supper
22 JUN
Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Old Church/School
9am Mass with Anointing of the Sick
04 AUG
Solemnity of St Dominic
Weekend Visitation of Archbishop Comensoli
01 SEP
International Day of Prayer for Creation
2pm Ecumenical Forum
22 SEP
First Mass in Priory Hall (the Old Church/School) 1924
7:15pm Solemn Vespers with the Friars, and Shared Supper
05 OCT
 St Dominic's Parish Dinner at Box Hill Golf Club
06 OCT
"Back to St Dominic’s" Reunion - 2pm Mass and Afternoon Tea
24 NOV
Close of the Centenary Year (Christ the King)
11am Mass and Shared Lunch
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